Bookings: 07770457700 WhatsApp, text or call.
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Girl is no longer available please visit the main gallery to choose an escort currently available through this agency
All services Gigi the sensual touch of an accommodating Asian
Journey planner: Close to Paddington station making her convenient to reach and an easy booking while commuting in and out for work through the Paddington area.
Cashpoints (ATM) at Paddington station and along Praed street.
Asian Escorts London | Seriously Oriental
- Booking07770 457700
- Stats30B-23-32
- Height5ft 2
- OriginAsian - Oriental
- Nearest tubeEdgware Road
- Postcodew1h
- TattooYes
- Dress size8
- Services
- SexualityHeterosexual
- Hair colourlong brunette
- 24hr IncallNo
- 24hr OutcallNo
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