Help Q&A – Do’s and don’ts on a date with an Escort.
Considering booking a date with an escort? Then there are guidelines you may need to consider. Although not exact as every escort or agency may employ slight variations. The following may help you skip from novice to accomplished hobbyist much faster. A help to improve your chances of a smooth booking with a happy and content ending. Which ultimately is what everyone is looking for right? You may need to fine tune them to match your own experiences…
Do buy her a gift – For each date with an escort, it nice to bring a gift as a thank you. It doesn’t need to be much, just thoughtful. Perfume, jewelry, flowers, wine etc are all great ideas. Of course its entirely discretionary on your part. Probably something you would do if you are revisiting a favourite girl where a rapport has been established.
Don’t come on too strong – Many escorts wont accept a rough demanding customer and some may operate a zero tolerance policy when it comes to aggression cancelling the booking. If you have something on your mind calmly clear it at the beginning. There’s a lot to be said for a gentle approach to get to the same goal and she may be even quite accommodating with what your trying to do.
Do be yourself – Escorts are human beings too experiencing similar feelings and emotions. So sometimes it works to be yourself. Don’t try to be something you’re not, simply relax so you can both have a great time. Some escorts are professional in their work and will guide you through a step by step approach they already have planned. Relaxing in to the escorts rhythms with the occasional nudge to get it heading in the right direction is a skill worth honing.
Do be respectful – Treat the escort as you would wish to be treated yourself. So, be kind, be polite, and be courteous and respectful. It all costs nothing and every to gain.